How to install firefox on linux
How to install firefox on linux

how to install firefox on linux

Whatever the situation may be, you can use Firefox’s Profile Manager to create, delete, or rename profiles. Or you may have a unique case where you wish to use multiple profiles for one user. This will help you figure out what’s causing an issue with Firefox.įirefox stores personal information such as bookmarks, passwords, and user preferences as “profiles.” This is what allows multiple users to personalize their experience on a shared browser.

how to install firefox on linux

If you’re having trouble with Firefox, you can try launching it in safe mode to forego the loading any extensions or customized settings. If you have trouble closing the window, remember you can use ALT + F4 on your keyboard. It’s like a permanent full screen mode and may come in handy on a display PC where you don’t want users leaving Firefox. It allows you to open a URL without any of the Firefox user interface being present.

How to install firefox on linux